Hi, I'm Pedro Leite,

Front-end developer

22, Brazilian, Computer Engineer by PUCRS and enthusiastic front-end developer. I'm currently working on HP Inc's inner source design system using React and CSS-in-JS. I love to learn new technologies and push my own boundaries.


ReactJavascriptGatsby.jsNext.jsSanity.ioHeadless CMSTypescriptGraphQLReact NativeCSS-in-JSDesign Systems
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"raízes" is a project idealized for the CCR Hackathon in January/2021. The goal of this application is to support the local culture of Brazilian cities, promoting independent artists and local tourism by giving them a platform to project their voices. This project was developed using Gatsby.js and PWA Web App to mock the look and feel of a native application and, also, make the app available for everyone that has an internet connection.



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Easy Delivery

This project was part of my undergraduate thesis for my Computer Engineering bachelors. The idea for this project was to give a platform for delivery service to restaurants in locations that don't have the coverage of the major services, such as Uber Eats and iFood. The project consists of two applications. The first one is a CRUD dashboard, in which the restaurant administrator can see the orders and make changes on the menu, and it was developed using React and Gatsby.js. The second application is a mobile app developed using React Native that a client can download the app from their preferred store and make orders. These two applications are serviced by a backend service constructed with Node.js, Express.js, and MySQL hosted on AWS.


ReactReact NativeGatsby.jsTypescriptAWSMySQLJWTExpress